First Aid Volunteers/Wellness Person


The First Aider must have the following minimum qualifications (per SCA standards):

  • Standard First Aid certificate
  • Valid driver’s license.
  • Criminal record/vulnerable sector check

Duties & Responsibilities:

The First Aider is expected to:

  1. Model good Christian Leadership, in accordance with the mission of Camp Christopher and adhere to the Camp Christopher Covenant.
  2. Attend pre-camp staff meeting (1pm on opening day) to discuss potential health issues with the Program Staff.
  3. Be present during registration to:
  4. Collect all camper and staff medications. These medications are to be stored in the locked medicine cabinet in the Health Office.
  5. With parents/guardians develop a health plan for campers with Epipens, asthma inhalers or other such emergency medications.
  6. Inspect all health forms for complete information and parent/guardian consent.
  7. Record pertinent information
  8. Inform appropriate staff of pertinent medical information.
  9. Report any allergies not already listed on the registration forms to the Kitchen Manager
  10. Dispense all prescription medications as prescribed and record doses and times on the forms provided.
  11. Keep all records locked in the small file box in the Health Office.
  12. Maintain inventory of medical supplies and report any shortage to the Camp Director.
  13. Monitor the sanitation on the total campsite.  Daily inspections should be made.
  14. Accompany patient to doctor or hospital, in the designated vehicle, when necessary. Normally the Camp Director or designate will take patients to Prince Albert for treatment. In the event the wellness person is required to be off?site the Camp Director will designate an alternative first aid person.
  15. Check the first aid kits in the emergency vehicles.
  16. At the end of each camp return the medical forms as well as all medication and treatment forms to the Camp Director.
  17. Supervise and assist in keeping camp clean – bathrooms, floors, laundry.
  18. Have a time of daily cabin clean up and inspections of all sleeping places. (We will have a prize/trophy.)
  19. Submit a final report of inventory, programs, evaluation and suggestions at end of summer to Camp Administrator